In constant motion towards the best tomorrow

– the station's sustainability program has now been initiated


Helsinki Central Railway Station has always been in tune with the times and aimed for sustainable operations, whether it's about renewing services, preserving historical architecture, or ensuring safety and comfort in the premises. Now, it's time for the station to once again look to the future as over a hundred years of operation at the heart of Helsinki and national events takes on new guidelines with the sustainability program. Key elements of the program include promoting emission-free transportation and environmental sustainability in the station's own operations, all while ensuring a safe experience for everyone.

While not everything needs to be redone or reinvented, our journey with the sustainability program is just beginning. As our vision states – in constant motion towards the best tomorrow – the work towards a sustainable future never truly stops. On the contrary.

This is a task where greatest impact is achieved collectively, and we already want to thank the station's stakeholders, partners, and visitors for their collaboration in building a more sustainable station. Let's take the station together into a new era.

Sustainable Helsinki Central Railway Station

The most visible stages and concrete measures of the sustainability program are focused on the years 2024 and 2025. All current information related to the station's sustainability efforts will be available on this page, which will be continuously updated along the way.

Facilitating recycling
We aim to find solutions that make recycling easier for both users and employees of the station.

Reducing carbon footprint in property development
We are seeking new solutions with partners to further reduce the station's carbon footprint.

Reducing energy and water usage
A carbon footprint calculation and reduction program will be implemented at the station, guiding and encouraging daily environmental actions in the future.

A safer station for everyone
A program will be implemented at the station to provide clear guidelines for promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion at the station.

Cultural-historical national treasure
Helsinki Central Railway Station is Finland's most used cultural asset. Its cultural value will be preserved and communicated persistently and sustainably.

Developing community
We aim for all those working at the station to be proud of the station and feel they belong to a special community.

The journey is just beginning – give feedback, share your ideas, or propose collaboration

All station stakeholders, partners, and visitors play a crucial role in building a sustainable Helsinki Central Railway Station. The journey is just beginning, and the best outcome in sustainable development is achieved together by opening doors to all opinions, ideas, and open discussion.

That's why we gladly welcome all feedback, ideas, and suggestions, which you can freely share with us via email at

Thank you for your collaboration!